At Home Circuit Training Workout - Lower Body

Complete each move or exercise for 15 reps. Complete two more times for a total of three circuits. Rest for 90 seconds in between each circuit.
1.    Bodyweight Walking Lunges
·         Form:
o   Keep your core engaged, torso tight, chest lifted, and shoulders relaxed
o   Bend your knees, lowering your body toward the floor
o   Both legs should form 90-degree angles
·         Targets: quads, hamstrings, glutes
2.    Bodyweight Squats
·         Form:
o   Keep your core engaged, back flat, chest lifted, and shoulders relaxed
o   Legs hip width apart
o   Toes slightly turned out
o   Back and down
o   Knees do not go in front of the toes
o   90-degree angle
·         Targets: quads, hamstrings, glutes, hamstrings
3.    Pulse Squats
·         Form:
o   Standard squat form
o   Instead of coming straight up, only come up half way, then lower back down (pulsing)
·         Targets: quads, hamstrings, glutes, hamstrings
·         Goal: maximize fatigue
4.    Jumping Jacks
·         Form: legs wide and the hands touching overhead, returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides
·         Goal: cardio
5.    Bulgarian Split Squats
·         Form:
o   This is a unilateral or single-leg squat using a bench or chair
o   In a forward lunge position with lower until your front thigh is almost horizontal or 90-degree angle, keeping your knee in front of your toe
·         Targets: quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves
6.    Sumo Squats
·         Form: wider than hip width apart with your feet angled significantly outward
·         Targets: inner thigh, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves
7.    Sumo Squat Pulses
·         Form:
o   Sumo squat form
o   Instead of coming straight up, only come up half way, then lower back down (pulsing)
·         Targets: inner thigh, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves
·         Goal: maximize fatigue
8.    Burpees
·         Form: begin with a squat, kick feet back, complete push up, return to squat, and then end with a jump
·         Goal: Cardio
9.    Fire Hydrants
·         Form:
o   Keep the core engaged with belly drawn into your spine and back flat
o   One leg bent at 90-degree angle with other leg lifted out to your side and stopping at hip height
·         Targets: core, glutes (medium, maximus, and tensor fascia latae)
10. Donkey Kicks
·         Form:
o   On your hands and knees, hands are facing down and in line with your shoulders
o   Lift one leg towards the ceiling (kicking)
·         Targets: core, glutes
11. Superman
·         Form:
o   Lie face down on a mat with your arms stretched above your head (like Superman)
o   Raise arms and legs about 5 to 6 inches off the ground, then return to neutral spine
·         Targets: core, lower back

Don't forget to stretch! Have a great evening!

Until next time,


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